Modern Chiropractic Concepts
Chiropractic is much more than just another treatment. It is actually a total wellness system that combines science, philosophy and the art of application, which requires years of dedicated study and practice to master.
Doctors of chiropractic understand that on a cellular level the human body is designed to constantly regulate and repair itself. The coordination of this repair and many other processes is regulated largely through the nervous system made up of the brain, spinal cord, and all nerves branching off from it. The elegant and complex spine both helps to give a central structure to our body, and serves to protect the delicate and vital nerve tissue connecting our brain to the rest of our body.

Chiropractors are specially trained to detect and remove areas of poor bio-mechanics in the spine and resulting interference in the normal function of the nervous system. Restoring this function allows your body to do what it was designed to do more effectively, which is repair and regulate itself, helping you to feel better and achieve true health.
The message is clear, modern chiropractic care should be a central pillar for anyone seeking to feel their best and reach their optimum health and wellness potential.
When you book now, you’ll get our:
- Relieve pain, restore your body’s natural function & avoid surgery with our Signature Functional Correction Method (FCM)
- Get spot-on analysis and professional advice on what’s causing pain, and how to treat it with our Doctor’s Consult + Examination
Schedule your appointment right now & we’ll EVEN throw in these bonuses for FREE!
- Break down stubborn muscle knots and old scar tissue with or Doctor Directed Soft Tissue Mobilization
- Calm down & relax with our soothing ATT-300 roller massage bed
- Get a free Follow Up Consult + Xray/ MRI Review (*T&C applies)
PLUS 1 Additional Bonus Therapy (tailored specifically to you by the doctor after your consult)
- Relieve pain & inflammation with our Radial Shockwave Therapy
- Accelerate tissue healing and reduce pain with our Cold Laser Therapy
- Strengthen injured muscles and ease muscle tension with our Electric Muscle Stimulation
- Intuitive Pain Management Solution with our Super Inductive System (SIS)
*You get ALL of this for just $88
(originally priced @ $248).