Everyone experiences stress in their day-to-day life. In fact, it is one of the most common ailments that millions in the world have suffered or still suffering from. Stress comes from many factors, ranging from physical and mental health to environmental elements.

Experts have categorized stress as a long-term illness. Chronic stress contributes to the increased risk of health conditions such as anxiety disorders, heart problems, and depression. Hence, we need to have good stress relief tools and employ a good stress management structure in our everyday life.

In this article, we offer several healthy ways how you can relieve stress effectively!


Do more exercises

healthy foodOne of the best methods to reduce stress is doing physical activity.

Studies have shown empirical evidence that engaging in physical exercises reduces the stress level in a short time. It also positively affects one’s mental health as fresh air can clear your clouded mind and improve your overall mood.

What’s more, there are a lot of physical health benefits that come along if you exercise regularly.

Therefore, take a walk or do some light exercises when you’re feeling stressed!


Have a balanced diet

healthy foodWhat you’re eating affects every aspect of your health. An unhealthy diet reacts negatively to stress, thus increasing your stress levels and worsening your mood.

Some may think that stress eating is a good way of relieving stress. This is a misconception as high-fat and high-sugar foods have a bigger impact in the long term. You would experience more stress and anxiety.

Therefore, to combat stress and avoid physical health problems, we suggest readers follow a nutrient-dense whole foods diet. For example, vegetables, fruits, beans, fish, nuts, seeds, eggs, and avocado. They provide sufficient nutrients and nourishments that lessen the effects of stress, lower blood pressure, build up your immune system, and boost your mood.

Create a healthy lifestyle

Start practising self-care and make changes to your habits to create a peaceful, stress-free life!

A self-care routine doesn’t have to be complicated. Focus on the most important aspects – your happiness and overall well-being. Self-care habits include:

  • taking a bath
  • lighting scented candles
  • reading a good book
  • exercising/taking a walk
  • preparing a healthy meal
  • stretching before bed
  • start a hobby
  • using a diffuser with calming scents
  • practicing yoga

Aromatherapy how to use essential oils in nursing

Aromatherapy has been proven to be an excellent mood booster can decrease anxiety and improve sleep.

These healthy habits can significantly reduce your stress levels and improve the quality of your life.

Other than that, cut out non-beneficial habits such as consuming too much caffeine, being constantly on your social media, and drinking alcohol. These are the things that may add more stress to your life.


Use relaxation techniques

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Meditation - HelpGuide.orgTake some time out of your busy schedule, either during the day or before you sleep, to invoke the relaxation response to manage stress.

The National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health recommends these few relaxation methods:

Meditation – Find a quiet place and sit or lay down. Focus your attention on a word, phrase, object, or even your breath and let your thoughts flow without judgement. This can lower stress and improve mood, sleep and energy levels.

Deep breathing – Anxiety tends to trigger your body’s stress response to the fight-or-flight mode. Stress hormones will set off physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, quicker breathing and lightheadedness.

When this occurs, try belly breathing. Close your eyes, place a hand on your stomach and another on your chest. Take a deep breath through your nose until you feel your belly rise more than your chest. Then, exhale through your nose and repeat the steps.

Progressive muscle relaxation – a deep relaxation technique through relaxing all the muscles in your body, group by group. Start with a few deep breaths and then practice tightening and relaxing each muscle group. Begin with your forehead and move down to your toes.

Over time, you will recognize the tension in your muscles and be able to relax them easily. You’ll feel your body slowly unwinding from the constant pressure with each practice.

Elite Spine Centres (ESC)

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